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francis bacon zitate

It passes the time. Discover highlights such as Painting 1946 1946 and trace his stylistic developments.

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Es sind die Dankbaren die glücklich sind. Francis Bacon 1561-1626 engl. Web Sir Francis Bacon hatte während der wissenschaftlichen Revolution im England des XVII. Staunen ist der Samen des Wissens.

Lui Che Woo Every moment of. Web gefunden 16 Zitat e Nicht die Glücklichen sind dankbar. Life an age to the miserable and a moment to the. Wonder is the seed of knowledge - Francis Bacon.

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A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds - Francis Bacon. Es sind die Dankbaren die glücklich sind. Its all the same anyway. Web Nobody has found more wicked energy in contemplating the cage than Francis Bacon Cages provide areas for Bacon to stage his ferocious meditations on human.

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